Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Should i text him?? please help?

well there's this guy that i met at a party like 3 months ago. we danced for a little and then we exchanged numbers. we texted non stop and i told him i was 16 and i found out he was 18. later on he asked me to hang out and so i snuck out and went to his house and we made out and then i went home. we kept texting, but we texted like nothing had happened, like we were friends. then about 2 weeks later, he asked me to go out again. my friend was with me at the time so i agreed and i went. i got really drunk and did alot of stupid things, and i barely paid any attention to him. but later on he carried me up to someones room and there we kissed and almost had sex but he was a virgin and he was doing it wrong but i was really drunk so i just told him no and i couldnt say anything else cause it hurt really bad. once i went home my friend told me she told him my real age which is 14 . she said he was really upset but she doesnt get why he still tried to get in my pants. i texted him telling him i was sorry, and he said that it's fine. - i never had gotten drunk before that was my first time. and i drank alooot - he said it happens to everyone. i felt really really really guilty the next day. and the months after even now. but since then, he stopped texting me. now i have to text him and now we talk at least once or twice a month - he used to ALWAYS text me- . he asked me to hang out again like a month ago but i got in trouble and my parents were checking up on me constantly due to a recent event. so i had to say no. its been a month since i heard from him and i think he's trying to forget about me because he deleted my friend off of facebook. since my phone has been disconnected for about 2 weeks now, im hoping he texted me but i wouldn't be able to reply, but i doubt that. is he avoiding me ? and if so why ? and if he's not, should i text him ? also, we get along sooo well. i remember telling him that i loved him and he said he loved me too, but that was when i was drunk and right before the failed sex. i think he was just using me for sex, but im hoping not. i really really like him , and i think about him alot . i wanna know the truth though, so i can move on more comfortably. /: thanks alot for all your help ! mature answers pleeease.

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